Sunday, March 7, 2010

Bust the Filibusters

A filibuster is a when a Senator opposing a piece of legislation talks non-stop in order to get people to dismiss a piece of legislation. Either the bill’s sponsor drops it or the other senators vote to oppose it just to get them to stop talking. Filibust-ing is such a flaw in our government that it is stopping attempts to fix the economy.
Originally, a filibuster was used as a last resort. Now, however, a minority has the power to stop a popular, most likely necessary, bill. Harry Reid, the Senator majority leader, and his fellow Senators should take hold of their government and law and stop filibust-ing, simply by calling on a member with the opposite stand point to let it be a fair debate, instead of letting one Senator talk for hours.
Currently, Republicans are trying to block almost all of President Obama’s wants, which are necessary to saving this country. They are succeeding in part because of the filibusters.

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